Every idea is born sometime and somewhere. The idea
for this book was born in 2011. It took me whole 6 years to write down and tell
some of the most interesting beekeeping stories that I had collected
from my conversations with professional beekeepers.
This book contains 21 stories from Angola, Argentina,
Australia, Bulgaria, China, England, Italy, Kuwait, Mexico, the Republic of
Palau, Russia, Spain, Serbia, and Slovenia. They offer humour, techniques,
tricks and secrets told by professional beekeepers.
Each of the plotlines is rich in thematic information
on how to capture a bee swarm; make nucleus colonies; transfer bees to a
new beehive; bring together bees from several hives in a single one; collect
bee venom; three-time grafting of larvae and queen bee production; correct
arrangement of frames in a hive; state-of-the-art laboratory innovations and
beekeeping research; types of bee forage plants and the effect they have on
honey crystallisation; top-notch honeys in the world; various home-made
contraptions used as hives, and more.
21 пчеларски разкази
от Ангола, Аржентина, Австралия, Англия, България ,Италия, Испания,
Кувейт,Мексико, БЮР Македония Република Палао,Словения, Сърбия- много
хумор , техники , трикове и тайни за отглеждането на пчелите в кошер.