Viswanathan Anand vs Veselin Topalov
Ranking Tables of the Tournaments with Anand and Topalov
1. Classical Time Control Events
2. Other Events (Rapid, Blidfold, and Blitz)
Viswanathan Anand (Biographical Notes)
Tournament Results of the World Champion Viswanathan Anand
Combinations of Viswanathan Anand
Solutions to Anand's Combinations
Veselin Topalov (Biographical Notes)
Tournament Results of Pretender Veselin Topalov
Combinations of Veselin Topalov
Solutions to Topalov's Combinations
The World Champion Viswanathan Anand
and the Bulgarian Chess Players
Scaccographic Chess Problems of the Composer Diyan Kostadinov
Solutions to the problems:
Index to the Tournaments with Anand and Topalov
Index of the Openings of the Games between Anand and Topalov
Index of the Tounaments, with both Anand and Topalov by Games